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US, India welcome election results

Dr Man Mohan's Singh's letter to Tobgay
Dr Man Mohan’s Singh’s letter to Tobgay

United States has congratulated Bhutan for successfully holding its general elections. In a statement, the US State Department said, it is looking forward to work with the new Bhutanese Government.

“The United States congratulates the people of Bhutan on their successful July 13 general election, and welcomes Bhutan’s continued democratic progress following its first national elections in 2008,” said Jen Psaki, State Department spokesperson.

“The United States looks forward to working with the new Bhutanese Prime Minister and National Assembly on our shared goals and aspirations for both our peoples,” said Psaki.

India also hailed the elections results and expressed that it is willing to work very closely with the new government. In a statement, Indian Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh said India will provide steadfast and unflinching support.

The statement also mentioned he has instructed officials to prepare for plan assistance and recent withdrawal of subsidy in petroleum products.

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