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An Indian political pundit says those willing to be repatriated are Maoists

A senior political analyst, who also formerly worked with India’s intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) has claimed Bhutanese in exile who are expressing willingness to repatriate are cadres of the underground community party.

Now working as chief of the regional research organisation South Asia Analysis Group (SAAG), Dr Subramanyam Chandrasekharan in his new article further claimed about 20,000 of the Bhutanese exiles deny resettlement in western countries for varying interests from developing local interests to ideological identification with some parties in Nepal.

“A considerable number may belong to the Bhutanese Communist Party (Maoists),” he writes.

He also questioned the statement by British envoy to Nepal who had earlier said India is being engaged in repatriation talks.

He writes, “It is not clear which category of refugees are still left that needs to be expatriated as the British Ambassador has claimed. What is the point in India in getting involved when most of the refugees have already been settled?”

He stresses that it would be of sense if India allows the resettled elderly Bhutanese exiles return to India to live and die in culturally fit for their sentiments.

Chandrasekharan says, it is time the remaining two camps – Beldangi and Sanischare – must be dismantled. But he has not mentioned where should the residual exiled Bhutanese must be taken to.

Read his full article here

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