Bhutan News Network

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Cleaning campaign around Thimphu

The cleaning campaign in action.
The cleaning campaign in action.

As part of promoting cleaner tourism destinations, Kuenselphodrang Nature Park (KNP) organised a cleaning campaign with support from staffs of the RSPN and other government offices volunteering to do the job last week.

The first snowfall in the Capital city Thimphu deterred the team from completing the entire task for the day.

Of late, the place has become a popular spot for tourists, local visitors, picnickers and youth. While people enjoy the access, scenic beauty and the Buddha statue, they are also irresponsible in littering the place with almost all kinds of wastes.

The volunteers collected plastic covers of snacks thrown by picnickers, beer & alcohol bottles by partygoers and waste from prayer flags. There were also bulk household garbage thrown into the forests and wastes from religious ceremonies.

The growing garbage dumping is slowing turning Kuenselphodrang Nature Park into a foul site, making negative impact for future visitors.

While the volunteers intended to clean up the existing wastes in the area in different phases, they will also be conducting timely monitoring and visitor education & awareness to prevent solid waste generation in the area.

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