Indian militants regrouping in Bhutan

India’s Nagaland based newspaper Morung Express claims the militant camps inside Bhutanese jungles are taking re-birth. The paper claims the militant group Kamatapur Liberation Organisation (KLO) is regrouping in Bhutan and getting trained in Burma.
The news comes on the day King Jigme Keshar Namgyal Wangchuk is on a five-day official visit to India.
The paper quoting intelligence officer said, preparations are underway for a possible flush out attack on militants.
Until 2003, Bhutan was safe heaven for Indian militants for training and hiding after attack. The full-fledged military assault by joint forces of India and Bhutan had cleared Bhutanese forests of the military camps.
For last few years, Indian media have been writing news quoting intelligence officers that the militants are regrouping inside Bhutan. Bhutan is refusing these claims.