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DNC celebrates 20th anniversary

The members of Druk National Congress celebrate 20th Anniversary of Party Foundation day at Kathmandu on Sunday (16 June). The customary suja desi was served. Coinciding with the auspicious day, a Brief Report to the Hon’ble Members of the Bhutanese Parliament and Holders of Constitutional Post was unveiled. The report enlists the denial of democratic rights to people.

The report says “ Fundamental Rights as enshrined in Article 7 of the Constitution exists only on paper so far. It hasn’t been recognized and enforced. Whether the Government/Executive is not recognizing the Fundamental Rights enshrined in the Constitution or is it the Judiciary/King’s inability to uphold the Fundamental Rights of people is mysterious. No one knows which of these two institutions is responsible for the continued curtailment of peoples’ rights”

“DNC has placed utmost importance on our friendship with India, which should be a recognized part of our country’s foreign policy, in our Party’s manifesto, way back in 1994.”

The report urges parliamentarians to deliberate for the resumption of negotiation process that was initiated on 24th November, 2004, by the Secretary to His Majesty, Dasho Pema Wangchen, at the command of the fourth King, with late President of the Druk National Congress, Rongthong Kunley Dorji, at latter’s residence in New Delhi, India.

Kesang Lhendup, President of the party reminded the members and friends present during the celebration programme that struggle for inclusive democracy must continue with spirited commitment and devotion. The Party expressed its hope that Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India must have counsel Thimphu regime to move towards path of inclusive democracy during his two day visits.

On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of DNC’s Founding Day, Party offered its prayers for a peaceful, stronger democracy, and for the prosperity and Sovereignty of Bhutan and our people

The party was founded on 16th June, 1994 by Late Mr. Rongthong Kunley Dorji with the support of Bhutanese inside the country and exile.

Read the report here

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