Korean advocate visits camps

UNHCR Korea’s Honorary Advocate Jung Woo-sung, who visited Nepal from November 3-7 and met Bhutanese refugees in eastern Nepal, a statement issued by UNHCR Korea said.
Visiting refugee camps for the first time after becoming UNHCR Korea’s first celebrity supporter in May, Jung said, “I was inspired every single minute of my visit and moved by every single refugee I met.”
“I think refugees represent all the problems that the world has created through religion, ethnicity, politics, conflicts, families, food… By ignoring refugees, we are ignoring what we have created by ourselves,” said Jung. “Through this visit, I got to think a lot about the world, people and life. These thoughts and questions will continue throughout my life.”
Accompanied by the Representative of UNHCR Korea Dirk Hebecker and renowned South Korean photographer Cho Sei-hon, Jung saw for himself the situation of the refugees from Bhutan and visited activities in the camps including the health centres, schools, food distribution centres, and programmes for women, children, elderly and people with disabilities.
Jung also enjoyed a play on the refugee situation staged by the children in the camp. He was warmly greeted by everyone in the camps, particularly by the youngsters, some who recognized the renowned actor from his many popular movies and TV series, and wanted to be an actor like him.
Wrapping up his visit Jung said, “The lives of refugees were appalling. I saw people with empty eyes showing no signs of hope, but at the same time saw faces determined not to let go of hope.”
“The pure and naïve faces and smiles of small children who had no recognition about their present or future made my heart ache. I have promised myself to work harder with UNHCR to help these children dream onward,” he added.