Himalayan Festival US is set for June

The second episode of the Himalayan Festival USA is all set to come again following the successful event last year.
A statement issued by the organisers says the event will be held in the month of June this year. This three-day long extravaganza comprises of events like bringing a respite from diverse culture across Himalayan region, the participants give their fest a success story.
Application is accepting now till Jun 10 except that Miss Bhutan US registration will close on May 31. Miss Bhutan US 2015 is an exclusive event in HFUSA amongst many other competitions such Singing Icon, Dancing Icon , Sports , Movie and more.
“United States, as a country is on the throes of a new era with developments in every fields, a growth on the horizon and a new acceptability. As we carry forward the glorious past tradition of Himalayan region, it’s a great pleasure to present the HFUSA, which will be held from June 19 till June 21, 2015 in Nashville, Tennessee,” the statement reads.
HFUSA aims at evincing creativity and enthusiasm and promoting social interaction through a plethora of events including cultural, sports & literary activities. “It’s our humble effort to increase the exchange of ideas and culture among various nations such as Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Tibet, and India. We aim to fraternise with all other Americans and give them a glimpse of our culture and rejuvenate their mind, body and soul like never before.”
For 3 days, Nashville vibes with the unison of all the cultures in Himalayan countries as we see people from south, north, west and east competing with each other in various events like dance, music, sports, beauty pageants, short movies and fine-arts competition.
“It is our sincere endeavour to give all the participants a beautiful and memorable experience. To achieve the same, we have invited renowned artists, Fashion Icons and Professional DJ’s for a celebrity night to entertain the audience apart from the competition.”
For more information visit www.himalayanfestivalusa.com or send an email at himalayanfestivalusa@gmail.com