Bhutan News Network

News That Matters


Minimum wage rate increased

Bhutan government has announced the new minimum wages for labour force in the country that will come into force from April 1.

In a circular issued by Ministry of Labour and Human Resources says, that national wage rates starts at Nu 234 a day or Nu 7,020 a month for a National Certificate – 1 (NC-1) holders (sweepers, wiremen and sawyers). NC-3 holders (supervisors, blacksmiths and plant operator) will get a daily wage of Nu 324 or Nu 9,720 a month. Unskilled NWF will get Nu 215 a day.

Those working at an altitude of 8,000 feet or above 2,000 m will be entitled Nu 600 as high altitude allowance.

The last time government revised the wage rate of the national workforces was in 2011.