OBCA elects new leaders
The recently concluded annual convention of the Organization of Bhutanese Communities in America (OBCA) has elected a new executive committee headed by Dillip Dahal.
Aita Rai is new chairman of the organisation while Jiden Rai, Padam Bharati, Krishna Sapkota, Jitu Basnet, Karna Gurung, Ram Rai, Bhim Gurung, Nisha Mabo, Bila Angandgbe, and Sujit Magar are elected executive members.
The convention participations also discussed issues impacting the life of Bhutanese in America, situation of those languishing in camps, strategies to address their needs, and organizational expansion throughout the USA.
Chief coordinator of ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement) Nebraska Karen Parde addressing the convention said Bhutanese population is one of the fastest integrating & adjusting communities in the US.
The convention also honoured several individuals and organisations recognising their contributions towards welfare of the community.