Call for release of political prisoners
The Bhutanese diaspora is running a signature campaign through aimed at garnering support and solidarity from governments of their resettled countries to release the political prisoners languishing in the Bhutanese jails for decades.
Coordinated by Ram Karki in The Netherlands, the signatures collected through online petitions along with recommendations from Bhutanese community organisations in the diaspora will be delivered to the head of government and head of state in Bhutan.
The campaigners also aim to approach their government’s foreign ministry to request for opening a diplomatic channel that would result in release of Bhutan’s political prisoners. The petition said, these inmates should no longer be kept behind bar as their demand for democracy has already been accepted in the country.
Community organisations and individuals in resettled countries are expected to submit their request to their country’s foreign ministry by December 10 – coinciding with International Human Rights Day. It will also be to foreign affairs committee and human rights committee of their country’s federal parliament and other human rights groups.
You can sign the petition by clicking here.