Bhutan News Network

News That Matters

In Memory Of

The Bhutan Watch calls for submitting articles,  documents, photos, videos, and everything related to Late Dr Govinda Rizal for memorabilia

Dear family members, friends and well-wishers of the late Dr Govinda Rizal,

This notice follows up on The Bhutan Watch’s call on 9 May 2024 (attached for your reference) for contributions of articles, photos, videos, and every document or write-up connected with the late Dr Govinda Rizal to compile memorabilia. Your contributions are invaluable to us. 

We decided to extend our deadline to 30 July 2024 to incorporate more contributions, considering the requests from some of our friends to provide more time. We would also like to seek permission from authors who have written about him in the Friendsunion Google group, their Facebook statuses and other platforms to include their write-up in the forthcoming compilation. Anyone can send screenshots of their Facebook post or the posts from any other social media platforms on late Dr Rizal. 

Let’s join our hands to honour our hero and his legacy. Your contributions will help us create a comprehensive and heartfelt memorial for Dr. Rizal. All such contributions will be duly and respectfully credited to the original contributors. 

We are deeply grateful for your anticipated cooperation and support in this endeavour. Thank you all in advance.

The Bhutan Watch

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