Bhutan News Network

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Shambhu Rai entertains fans in Thimphu

Rai has many middle-aged Bhutanese fans
Rai has many middle-aged Bhutanese fans

A veteran Nepalese singer Shambu Rai received an overwhelming response from his fans in Thimphu as he formed his first solo show at the Youth Development Fund (YDF) hall on Sunday.

More than 1,500 turned the show a rare occasion for music lovers. Rai is very popular among middle-aged Bhutanese.

The audience turned up unexpectedly on the show day, beyond the expectation of the organisers – Hindu Dharma Samudaya – who had sold only 100 tickers by Saturday. Proceeds from the show will be given to the group to support its activities.

Not just the Nepali speaking population but people across different ethnicity joined the show where Rai performed his most famous songs like Timile samjhe ni lakhai chha.

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